The Pan-American Prosperity Institute, a non-profit organization that seeks to foster a closer relationship among countries in the American continent and to increase the exchange of ideas, values, businesses and people that promote prosperity in the region, has been closely monitoring the political developments in Brazil, given recent signs of political instability. This development has been under gestation as soon as Jair Bolsonaro was elected president.
The Bolsonaro administration seems to be facing a concerted attack from the political establishment that appears to favor left-leaning visions for Brazil. This vision posits strengthened regulations, income distribution and attacks against freedom of speech. Given the predominance of this vision in most institutions, an environment of stalemate and of overreach has consolidated. And, contrary to the popular belief, most of the overreach has not been caused by the executive power, but by the legislative and judicial powers.
Brazil also lacks independent media. Foreign and local interests predominate in media. These interests favor statism, rent extraction and limitations to free speech. Governments usually controlled the media through generous procurement of advertising revenues. The Bolsonaro administration did away with the practice. As a result, most media have turned against its policies. This has provoked a stampede away from traditional media and into digital platforms, as Brazilians seek to be better informed.
As alternative media flourished in the same time that some traditional media outlets started to lose credibility, by 2014, libertarian and conservative thinkers and activists began to populate and then lead cyber space, developing strong followings. These activists, however, are now being harassed on account of their opinions about the Supreme Court’s lack of impartiality.
As a direct result from the traditional lack of media independence, Brazilians came to cherish social media channels run by political activists since 2014. Most of them had either a conservative or liberal perspective and some became politicians in the 2018 elections. Under the pretense of investigating "fake news," the Supreme Court is now impinging upon the freedom of expression in Brazil. Liberal and conservative activists are being summoned by the federal police to subject themselves to an interrogation that violates Miranda rights and other democratic procedures.
In light of these developments, the Pan-American Prosperity Institute would like to invite everyone who is interested to watch the “QUO VADIS BRAZIL?” online panel discussion, where the honorable Luiz Philippe Braganca, congressman and member of the Brazilian Imperial Family, will discuss all the topics mentioned above. The webinar will be broadcast online via YouTube on Thursday, June 11, at 6 p.m. ET at the following address:
Andre Nunes
[email protected]
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Original Source: Pan-American Prosperity Institute June 11 Webinar: 'QUO Vadis Brazil?' to Discuss Liberty, Current Politics in Brazil With the Honorable Prince and Congressman Luiz Philippe Braganca